Thursday 11 November 2010

My experience learning English at the University

The University of Chile has been built a compulsory program of English , which has been divided into four levels. Beginning at the starter level, which is the most basic to the top which has a higher level of difficulty. To join you must be tested against a computer, which measures the level of English that you have. This test gives a score and depending on your score you can take the corresponding level according to your knowledge.

Actually, I am on the last level and started from the first one. From the beginning, I never liked this experience, because I felt required or forced to follow a course that did not interest me. I thought that this subject did not help to develop the English language, because I think that developing a language so different from ours, as English is, it is necessary to practice every day. In addition, each semester the hours of English classes were ill-suited and it was very difficult to find a free place to take the course, that was a problem and still remains a big problem because many students are left without taking the level of English than they should take . I believe that each semester the four levels should be given, not just two levels as in the present.

Attending classes was not so bad, I gained something: I improved my vocabulary and grammar. I had very good teachers, they have good availability for teaching and much patience, and they are great. On the other hand, I met some classmate from other career, interesting people to exchange knowledge and other points of view. In conclusion, at the end, I look back and think it was beneficial for me. Today I listen to English songs more carefully, I dare to watch TV news in English and, I try to see movies without reading subtitles.

Finally, I think the English language program offered by the University of Chile should be revised, the program should be voluntary, because a program mandatory causes that many student are not happy or satisfied. Consequently the attendance to the course progressively is reduced because there are student have not interest to learn other idiom and at last the English subject is becomes as nuisance academic rather than a benefit for them. However my experience learning English at the University was very beneficial for my develop as student.

Friday 29 October 2010

Breathing for a year

Yes I need a sabbatical year.
Studying at the university in the last years, I have felt very tired. I would like to relax and travel for few months. I begin my sabbatical year sleeping for an entire week. I would close my windows and curtains, turns off the cell phone and would switch of the phone, in my room I would hang a sign on my door... that say "Do Not Disturb ... in deep sleep." However, I think that sleeping for many days would be waste of time, so I think only a week. Enough¡¡¡

After, I would sell a few objects to have some money, made my bags and I would take the first flight to Mexico City, in the city I would eat all the traditional Mexican food that my body bear, then I would move to the beautiful beaches in this country and I would stay for a couple of months. So, I would enjoy the sun, its beautiful landscapes, warm waters and much Tequila¡¡¡.
When I have nothing else to do in this beautiful place, I would think back or look for a job to stay and live in that country.

If I would can stay in Mexico, the rest of that sabbatical year I would devote my time to research about ancient cultures of Mexico, specifically related to the old Mayan human sacrifices. I think it's a very interesting and fascinating to study.

Dream does not cost anything; to have that sabbatical year would be a sweet and exotic desire. I can do really the sabbatical year with a great effort, I should gather a lot of money, but before I finish to study.

Thursday 21 October 2010

About environmentally friendly practices

Actually, the world is suffering from overpopulation. This is the main cause of contamination of the planet; our land is being razed for our actions as specie. Men need to have a place to live and where to develop technology that will make our lives easier. For this reason we have neglected our planet in favor of our comfort and quality of life.

Another major problem about this topic is our behavior. We have to educate the newer generations. Personally, I think people should learn to take care of the planet since childhood, because children understand and learn faster about the love and care necessary to protect nature, they are always easier to stimulate and acquire good habits. They are the best candidates to learn about environmentally friendly practices.

Generally my contribution to the environment is not enough, although I always put the garbage in the waste baskets, but I do have a garden in my house, I try to take care of it and keep it green, because plants clean the air and produce oxygen. When I have to get rid of organic trash I use in my garden, because this serves as fertilizer.

When I have to go somewhere near, I prefer to walk, this is optimal to exercise your body and avoid using public transportation which pollutes the air.

If you ask me if I joined or supported any eco-friendly organization, I must say no. No, because this needs time to participate and a true commitment. However I would like to do something related to the protection of endangered species especially the coastal fauna.

Finally I would say that we need to reduce the amount of cars in Santiago and enforce programs to reduce the pollution and reward companies that follow these policies particularly industries located within the city, this will help improve the quality of the air.

If we all work together as a society and commit ourselves to protect our environment we will ensure a clean planet for future generation.

Saturday 9 October 2010

My favorte movie: The Lost Boys (1987)

My favorite movies is "The Lost Boys" directed by Joel Schumacher this is a vampire movie that tells the story of a bunch of teenager played by Jason Patric, as Michael, Corey Haim as Sam end Kiefer Sutherland as David. The movie stars when and Michael and Sam moved to Santa Clara with their mother and they stayed at their grandfather´s house.

Michael fells in love whit the girl after going to an amusement park only to discover that her friends are vampires and she is one too, but is to late for poor Michael he drank David’s blood from a weird bottle.

In the meantime Sam was told by his new friends that David and his gung were a bunch of vampires and that his brother wile become one too, but no if they kill the master vampire first.

They prepare themselves to defend the house against David’s gung of vampires whit garlic and holy water. Suddenly the vampires begin to attack the house and San and his friends succeed killing a few of them, but David survives and confronts Michael for the last time. Michael pushes him against a horns ornament where he died finally.

The master vampire shows up and takes Sam’s mom hostage, Michael pushed him trying to save his mother, but he is hilted back and losses conscience at the end the grandfather breaks into the house and kills the master vampire with a stick through his hart.

This is a really good movie very entertaining. You people should see it.
I’ve watched it like a thousand time.

Friday 24 September 2010

Santiago after the Bicentenario weekend

After a dizzying welcome to the Bicentenario. The best place to rest and relax is my private retreat: that is my garden´s house.

In Spring this place becomes very quite and filled with light and color, the sun is nice and warm, the grass is soft and thick and various flowers begin to flourish.

I think it is especial because it’s beautiful and my friends really enjoy being there.

When I am with my friends we like to lay down on the grass, sometimes play cards or do some exercise. At night we light some candles and have a glass of good wine. After the celebrations we use the coal left over to prepare grilled meat. When I am alone this place is the best place to study, get a sun tan, play whit my pets or simply take a nap.

This year my garden was the perfect place to spend time with my best friend, she came to visit me from Antofagasta and we spend a lot of time catching up and laughing.

Every year, I fix my garden to receive the spring. I have done it for the past five years, because is a great location to do some nice get together.

I always recommend staying at home especially if you have a favorite corner, if you don’t have a place like that maybe go to a park, because the important thing is to relax, get in contact with nature and be calm and prepared to face the rest of the year with the best attitude.

Friday 3 September 2010

The future of states universities in Chile

I have no clue about the privatization problem, from my point of view, as a student of Universidad de Chile, the future is unclear. I feel like I´m enrolled in a private institution rather than state university, because I pay for my education. The fee is very expensive, I can´t apply for student loans, because both of my parents work and they own their house.
If you ask me, there´s no free college education, it just doesn´t exist. Therefore I think privatization has been imposed in our state university system, but It`s hidden.
The state university system should be free for all people. The solution is joining forces to fight, but a radical and intelligent fight. This objective should unite different ways of thinking and allow us to act quickly before this problem gets worst
Definitely, I think this government will privatize the Universidad de Chile, because our president is a big businessman, his interest is the economy and get along with other entrepreneurs. Everything is for sale… That´s scary!!!
The only thing that can save us, would be if the president made a promise to keep universities from being privatized the same way it occurred with Punta de Choros.

Monday 30 August 2010

A country you´d like to visit

My dream would be to visit Europe especially Spain.
I think it´s a fascinating place, because It lives around the culture and the arts. I´d like to live there for some years, especially for three reasons. The first, to study something related to acting, secondly, to know the country and the entire European continent and finally, the most important reason is to know a little town called Llagostera (this is my last name). My father went there ten years ago. He told me that it’s a beautiful and traditional place, but the people were not friendly, because there is a legend about a treasure. Llagostera people believe that visitors go there to take away their treasure.
My mother is my best travel companion, she likes to visit different places and of course shopping (who doesn´t?) She is always ready to travel, so if I ever get to visit Spain, I ´d like to go with her. But let´s go back to reality now, going to Spain it´s not my priority right now, I´m not even saving money only to pay my bills.

Thursday 19 August 2010

The First Term , 2010.

Dear new friends. This is the new opportunity to learn about you. However I tell you about me especially the first term.

To begin I`ll tell you I`m studying Archaeology and this is my fourth year.
The first term, was something complicated, because I had a lot subjects and my free time was little.

It was very boring and very stressful, especially for the subject called archaeological theory IV, the teacher was not clear to teach.

All this time was difficult, because I had to work for twenty days and this means to do all quickly. When I turned, I was backward in all subjects. It was awful.

Friday 18 June 2010

experience under pressure

Finally, we have reached to the end. Many weeks I wrote about me, but this is not enjoy for me, because I felt very down or press to tell about my life.

However, there were some moments interesting because I can know a other peoples telling about your life.

This mechanism of communication, I think what is very important to exercise the vocabulary, grammar and to help improve your English.

My opinion about of the disadvantages is not important, but I think the advantages are good because. First, You can know the English level of other peoples, second you can read a your classmate, third you never is alone because the teacher is very good and he helps (today he don’t help me), fourth you learn to think in English, fifth and finally your learn and you don’t realize.

I don`t know how to make a blog, Now I do.

When I check my last blog, I said, how I can to do? The technology don’t like, because is always complicated for me, but if I don`t participate of technology change. I will be out.

My blog was to read for some goods friends and my parents. They tell me: Vivi, you are a bit boring when the topics don’t like you, and I say: It is true because in some topics I don’t know what to say, however in other occasions the topics was very enjoy. My favorite topics was the films and the important persons.

There is a one thing I tell you , this was good experience but don’t will be to do again, now I know how to do a blog and I can to learn how to do, but from today my blog will be to fly in the cyberspace forever.

My dear and goods friends was a nice experience
Good by

Friday 11 June 2010

The best place to go on winter holidays.

The best place to go on winter is any city in the North of my country. In general I go to Antofagasta. This place is very nice.

You can get there by plane or on a road trip. If you take the plane it arrives in two hours, but if you like to know the way, you should take a bus or car. The trip has a duration of around 18 hours. This is a little tiring, but you can see how the landscape changes from deep green to a beautiful brown which contrasts with the ocean.

Antofagasta is very quiet, in the day you can go shopping and to the beach, but at night the city changes. The people walk near the beach and take a bath in the ocean, they go to the discotheques, bars and the night clubs come alive. There is happiness in the environment.

Today, the election of the Antofagastinos is to go to the Casino. This place opened almost one year ago. The Casino is large and funny. There are one discotheque, some bars, one theater and slot machines. If you have money, time and you know how to play in the machines, you could have a good time.

Antofagasta has beautiful beaches, especially northwards. These are Juan Lopez, Hornitos, Punta Chacaya and Punta Itata. The most famous is La Portada.

Actually, La Portada is the symbol of the city. It is an antique geological formation like a window or a framework, It is very interesting and beautiful.

The food is excellent. You can enjoy the best variety of seafood and delicious drinks, because the hotels and restaurants have the best menu cards.

Finally, the most important of the city: My family lives in this place.

If you want know Antofagasta, you can get to my house. No Problem.
We will be very happy to meet you.

Friday 28 May 2010

Cloudy Partly

It’s a beauty film to children and adults. Its name is “Cloudy Partly ”.
This film is cartoons of PIXAR, This short film participated in the Oscar, its duration is some minutes , possible 10 minutes.
This film is developed in the sky .where all the clouds are, every one made different babies.
Its main characters are a cloud and a stork. They have a relationship because the cloud made the babies and the stork delivered the babies to their parents. However, the babies were not common, because they were dangerous puppies. For example , crocodile, ram, shark and others.
The faithful stork always was hurt for the puppies. Once day, the stork went to other cloud. The cloud got angry very much with this action, he cried. Soon the stork went back and solved the problem.
I will not tell you about how the stork solved this problem, because it is very important that you can see this film. This is an example of life and friendship. It is very tender; you could learn a good lesson.
You can see how, sometimes, people or some friends have good intentions wihit you, but you do not believe.
With this film, if you need tell to someone “ stand by me” ….“ trust me”. This short is the better message for tell I send for e-mail this short film to my niece Katalina. She is six years old and she may did not get the message, but she liked the stork because it is funny .

Friday 14 May 2010

my fovourite piece of technology

Today I tell you about my fovourite piece of technology: my lap top
It was the last preset of my parents to me, because I needed to University. My first lap top was a VAIO. Excellent computer, but it was heavier. when I used to travel with him my back always hurt . One day I did not move for three days.
Further it was my best friend because it had my better secrets and was the first piece of technology. With it, I learned about modern life: I learned to listen music, to write and to use some programs and the most important was the communication with some friends in other countries.
The communication was incredible. One day I spoke with a good friend. She lives in Mexico. I have not heard anything about her. It was an exciting experience because she told l me. “Viviana you are an aunt. I had one son”.
Now I have the new note book. It is smaller and lighter. When I travel, I don’t have problems. I miss my first computer but now have I a new friend. The most important the new lap top was a preset of my mother . She told me “ I can give away a computer smaller but you give me the bigger computer”. That was a good deal.

Friday 7 May 2010


My favourite music
If you ask me about what music I prefer. I have a big problem, because I do not know what answer you but I will do my best :
I like music, but not all kinds of music. In general I like romantic music especially the music of the late 70`s and 80´s. I also like Pop and relaxing music.
The music that I do not like is reggeton . What a horrible music !!. Sorry but it is a music with monotonous rythm and its lyrics are very vulgar . My nephew is six years old, she tells me “Reggeton is the best music I`ve ever heard in my life”.
Always , when I am studyng, I prefer relaxing music, it is the best music for me, because I can concentrate. I listen to Thai and Indian music. When I don’t want to listen to this kind of music, I turn the radio on and I look for some romantic music because It is quiet and I can sing some songs ,, ah¡¡¡ but always in Spanish.
My group favourite is Soda Stereo, specially the song Persiana Americana . The artists are Luis Miguel, Miguel Bosé and Ricardo Arjona and Ana Torroja . they have various goods songs.

Friday 30 April 2010

The Expert Person

To day I tell you about the most important expert person for me . He is my father . He is the important archaeologics of the Norte Grande. He was married thrity eight years ago whit my mother who she was a teacher, but now they are not together. My father studied Biology and Chemistry . After studying, he went to Peru to study Archaeology and soon he followed a PhD in Mexico. He was a director of the “ Instituto de Investigaciones of the Universidad del Norte” , in San Pedro de Atacama.
His work has been focused on knowing the life of the antiquity Atacama people. Now, he works in two Universities, the first is Universidad Católica del Norte and the second is Universidad de Antofagasta. He wrote two important books and many articles.
He lived in San Pedro de Atacama almost thirty years. Now he is in Antofagasta.
Nowa days, he investigates the biodiversity of the coast and its archaeological evidence. He is the persons most busy that I have known. Always he is in a hurry and planning the next project. However he has time for me .

Friday 23 April 2010

My life is very expensive:

I`m writing about my hobbies .The first and the most important is when I’m reeding each day in the morning the news paper, because I need to know the movie`s program of the cinema and its reviews. If the reviews are good. I to go the cinema only on Friday.
Why Friday ? Because this day. I have money to buy pop corn and some juice.
The second hobby is going shopping. I like shoes and bags. I have a lot of bags of many colours and forms. In the winter, I prefer buying boots because are confortable , I have short and long boots, but only blacks. In the summer I prefer buying high-heeled shoes because there are very elegant.

My life is very expensive:

I`m writing about my hobbies .The first and the most important is when I’m reeding each day in the morning the news paper, because I need to know the movie`s program of the cinema and its reviews. If the reviews are good. I to go the cinema only on Friday.
Why Friday ? Because this day. I have money to buy pop corn and some juice. The second hobby is going shopping. I like shoes and bags. I have a lot of bags of many colours and forms. In the winter, I prefer buying boots because are confortable , I have short and long boots, but only blacks. In the summer I prefer buying high-heeled shoes because there are very elegant.