Friday 14 May 2010

my fovourite piece of technology

Today I tell you about my fovourite piece of technology: my lap top
It was the last preset of my parents to me, because I needed to University. My first lap top was a VAIO. Excellent computer, but it was heavier. when I used to travel with him my back always hurt . One day I did not move for three days.
Further it was my best friend because it had my better secrets and was the first piece of technology. With it, I learned about modern life: I learned to listen music, to write and to use some programs and the most important was the communication with some friends in other countries.
The communication was incredible. One day I spoke with a good friend. She lives in Mexico. I have not heard anything about her. It was an exciting experience because she told l me. “Viviana you are an aunt. I had one son”.
Now I have the new note book. It is smaller and lighter. When I travel, I don’t have problems. I miss my first computer but now have I a new friend. The most important the new lap top was a preset of my mother . She told me “ I can give away a computer smaller but you give me the bigger computer”. That was a good deal.


  1. jajajaj, Viviana I also did a business like this, because my mother give me a new computer with the condition that i gave my computer to my sister.

    that was a good deal too! =)
    pd: sorry, i don't know a good brand of digital camera

  2. Good Viviana, your English is improving!!!!!!
